E & L Produce

Supplier Information

E & L Produce

1410 E & L Loop
Washington, LA 70589

Sales Contact: Larry Fontenot
Phone: 337-363-7962
Email: ljfontenot@centurytel.net
Verified MRL Compliant Sustainably Grown / Veriflora Fair Trade USA SQF / BRC / TN GlobalGAP GAP / GMP HACCP / HARPC
No No No No No No No
GAP / GMP (inactive)
Label Commodity Audit Type Certificate # Field/Facility Location Inspection Date

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-101812-R01  Allie, Mutt, Lou  Washington, LA  10/18/12 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-101812-R02  Allie  Washington, LA  10/18/12 

Sweet Potato
GMP  FS-GMP-101812-R03  Packing  Washington, LA  10/18/12 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-101311-T01  Dallas and Bart Farms  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/13/11 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-101311-T02  Dallas and Bart Farms  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/13/11 

Sweet Potato
GMP  FS-GMP-H-101311-T01  Packing  Washington, LA  10/13/11 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-100810-E01  Cowboys Field  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-100810-E02  Cowboys Field  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
GMP with Food Security  FS-GMP-H-100810-E03  Packing  Washington< LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-100709-B01  Amy Field  Washington, LA  10/07/09 

Sweet Potato
GMP  FS-GMP-100709-B02  Packing  Washington, LA  10/07/09 

Sweet Potato
GAP  FS-GAP-H-092507-B02  Wayne Ortego Field  Evangeline Parrish, LA  09/25/07 
HACCP / HARPC (inactive)
Label Commodity Audit Type Certificate # Field/Facility Location Inspection Date

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-101812-R01  Allie, Mutt, Lou  Washington, LA  10/18/12 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-101812-R02  Allie  Washington, LA  10/18/12 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-101311-T01  Dallas and Bart Farms  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/13/11 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GMP-H-101311-T01  Packing  Washington, LA  10/13/11 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-100810-E01  Cowboys Field  EvangelineParish, LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-100810-E02  Cowboys Field  Evangeline Parish, LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GMP-H-100810-E03  Packing  Washington, LA  10/08/10 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-100709-B01  Amy Field  Washington, LA  10/07/09 

Sweet Potato
HACCP  FS-GAP-H-092507-B02  Wayne Ortego Field  Evangeline Parrish, LA  09/25/07